At Power Flush Glasgow we use the finest power flush machine on the market at the moment along with branded chemicals to ensure we remove the maximum amount of
sludge and debris from your central heating system, the power flush machine
we use is the Proflush Professional Thermal power flush machine
together with two large magnetic filters, the machine has a 50 litre tank and a flow rate of 150 litres per minute, it also has a built in heater which can help in cases where the boiler is dead and
no heat can be provided to the central heating system, it can also flush up to a whopping 40 radiators which come's in very handy when powerflushing commercial properties, most other contractors
including British Gas use the Fernox power flush machine but we have tried this one and it was not to our liking so we attended one of the Proflush training courses and we made the decision that this
machine was far superior to any other power flush machine out there at the moment.